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Log In Help –
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Log In Help

Anyone coming to the site is greeted with the Log In page. If they are not a member, the only menu that works for them is the one at the bottom of the page.

They can visit “About Patricia Breen”, “About Glitterchat”, and “Register”. They can go to “Reset Password”, but when they enter their email address, the system will not recognize it and will send them back to the “Log In"

If you are a member and cannot remember your password or if it isn't working, click on "Reset Password" in the menu at the bottom of the Log In page.

This will take you to a page where you can enter your email address. Remember to use the email address you registered with. If the system can verify your email address, it will send you an email that allows you to reset your password.

If you are still not able to log on, please send an email to  Please include the email address you are using to reset your password.